What Causes Blepharospasm? Understanding the Underlying Factors
Blepharospasm, also known as eyelid twitching, is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. This involuntary contraction of the muscles around the eye…
May 8, 2023
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Fall in Love with a Youthful Glow and Say Goodbye to Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Are you tired of looking in the mirror and feeling unsatisfied with your appearance? Do you want to rejuvenate your skin and enhance your natural…
April 11, 2023
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Correct Entropion and Ectropion with Reconstructive Surgery
Entropion and ectropion are conditions where the eyelid margin becomes hyperactive and starts to curl toward the inner or outer area of the eye. Entropion …
December 1, 2022

Eyelid Retraction
Eyelid retraction is a condition in which the eyelid does not correctly cover the eyeball when the eye is in a relaxed, unnerved state. Instead…
November 2, 2022

Botox vs. Fillers: Which Is More Effective?
The effectiveness of both procedures depends on what you need. For instance, if you’re worried about getting rid of deep-set wrinkles, then a preventative procedure…
September 27, 2022

What is micro-needling?
What is micro-needling? This procedure is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical skin rejuvenating technique using dermapen micro-needling. This automated medical device contains multiple fine needles to create…
August 19, 2022

Lipostructure Aesthetics
As you grow older, your skin loses crucial structural proteins and subcutaneous fat, resulting in a loss of facial volume. The volume loss from your…
July 26, 2022

When is an Eye Prosthesis Required?
Blind individuals who have lost their eyes as a result of any disease or trauma complain about their sunken eye sockets. Removing the eye and…
May 29, 2022

What are the Benefits of Dermal Face Fillers?
The desire for comfort and accessibility has never been greater than it is now in a fast-paced society with incessant demands. It’s no different when…
April 30, 2022

Do you have a skincare routine? Or, do you just prefer to fall asleep each night and not worry too much about what is…
January 25, 2022